Quick Facts
Name: Metrolpolitan Institute of TAFE (MSIT)
Head Office: Brisbane, Queensland
ComDispatch Solutions: Customised CCMS & EDM (Marketing & Call Center)
Web site: N/A (internal application only)
The Challenge
To develop and implement a suitable Call Center solution for MSIT, that improved the following factors:
ComDispatch discovered the that the key issues with MSIT was that a large amount of time was spent capturing fragmented data across a wide variety of systems.
As a result, ComDispatch has implemented a customised version of the CCMS system with full EDM capabilities across both the Call Center and Marketing departments.
The implementation of the ComDispatch CCMS system has resulted in a large reduction in the processing time, as opposed to the previously used, paper based methods. When tested, the average time spent on a call went from 13 minutes to 4 minutes when running the full ComDispatch CCMS. As a result of the reduction of the time spent with each client (student), the overall conversion rate of 'Calls vs. Number Enrolled'was also greatly increased.
The system has now also been tested through various peak enrolment periods and has performed flawlessly. Due to the growing load on MSITs current hosting environment, ComDispatch are also in the process of transferring MSIT to their own dedicated hosting environment.
Interested in knowing more? Contact the ComDispatch Office